
Profile Manager Shows No Mac Update Available?

Configuration profiles are XML files (.mobileconfig) that provide an piece of cake manner to define settings and restrictions for devices, computers, and users.

You can use Jamf Pro to create a configuration profile or you can upload a configuration contour that was created using third-party software, for example, Apple tree'southward Contour Manager or Apple Configurator.

Before creating a configuration profile, y'all should have basic knowledge of configuration profile payloads and settings. For more information, run into the following Apple tree documentation:

  • Mobile Device Management Settings

  • Profile-Specific Payload Keys

Some configuration contour payloads and settings available in Jamf Pro may differ from their implementation in Apple'southward tools. For more information on these settings, see the Configuration Profile Payload Settings Specific to Jamf Pro article.

When you create a computer configuration profile, y'all must specify the level at which to apply the contour—computer level or user level. Each level has a unique fix of payloads and a few that are common to both.

In that location are two different ways to distribute a configuration profile: install it automatically (requires no interaction from the user) or make it available in Cocky Service. You can likewise specify the computers and users to which the profile should be applied (chosen "telescopic").

Annotation: Removing a calculator from the scope of a computer-level profile prompts Jamf Pro to remove the settings applied by the profile the next time the computer checks in with Jamf Pro. Removing a figurer from the telescopic of a user-level profile prompts Jamf Pro to remove the settings applied past the contour the next time the computer checks in with Jamf Pro while that user is logged in.

Payload Variables for Configuration Profiles

In that location are several payload variables that yous can use to populate settings in a configuration contour with attribute values stored in Jamf Pro. This allows you to create payloads containing information about each mobile device, computer, and user to which you are distributing the profile.

To use a payload variable, enter the variable into whatever text field when creating a configuration profile in Jamf Pro. When the contour is installed, the variable is replaced with the value of the corresponding aspect in Jamf Pro.


Inventory Information


Reckoner Proper name


Site Name


Site ID




Serial Number


Username associated with the figurer in Jamf Pro
(figurer-level profiles merely)

Username of the user logging in to the figurer
(user-level profiles only)


Full Proper noun

$Electronic mail

Email Accost


Phone Number




Department Name


Department ID


Building Proper noun


Building ID




MAC Accost


Jamf Pro ID


Jamf Pro ID of the Configuration Profile


Extension Attribute ID Number

Note: The ID number is found in the extension attribute URL. In the example URL below, "id=2" indicates the extension aspect ID number:

For more information, see Computer Extension Attributes.

General Requirements

To install a configuration profile on a computer, you demand:

  • A push certificate in Jamf Pro. For more information, see Button Certificates.

  • The Enable certificate-based authentication and Enable button notifications settings configured in Jamf Pro. For more data, run into Security Settings.

  • (User-level profiles only) Computers that are bound to a directory service or local user accounts that have been MDM-enabled. For data, see Directory Bindings and MDM-Enabled Local User Accounts.

Manually Creating a Configuration Profile

You can create a configuration profile using Jamf Pro.

Get-go with Jamf Pro x.17.0, you lot can configure some payloads using a redesigned menstruation. Apply switches to include the settings that will be sent to deployment targets. In the summary view, just the included or configured settings are displayed in the Jamf Pro interface. The operating arrangement manages settings on the computer level. Some enforced settings that do not modify default values will non be visible on the reckoner. For more than information on the default settings, see this documentation from the Apple tree Developer website.

Note: When upgrading to Jamf Pro 10.17.0 or afterwards, any previously configured payloads that take been redesigned are automatically migrated. Review the settings in the Jamf Pro user interface. The migrated payloads are not redeployed to deployment targets.

  1. Log in to Jamf Pro.

  2. Click Computers at the top of the page.

  3. Click Configuration Profiles.

  4. Click New images/download/thumbnails/82684053/Icon_New_Button.png .

  5. Use the Full general payload to configure basic settings, including the level at which to apply the profile and the distribution method.
    Simply payloads and settings that use to the selected level are displayed for the contour.
    To distribute the contour during enrollment using a estimator PreStage enrollment, ensure you create a computer-level configuration profile.

  6. Apply the balance of the payloads to configure the settings.

  7. Click the Telescopic tab and configure the scope of the profile.
    To distribute the profile during enrollment using a calculator PreStage enrollment, ensure the telescopic of the profile contains the computers that are in the scope of the PreStage enrollment.

  8. (Optional) If you chose to make the profile available in Self Service, click the Self Service tab to configure Self Service settings for the profile.

  9. Click Relieve images/download/thumbnails/81531754/floppy-disk.png .

The profile is distributed to the deployment targets in the scope the adjacent time they contact Jamf Pro.

Uploading a Configuration Contour

You can create a configuration profile past uploading a profile that was congenital using Apple's software, for instance, Profile Manager or Apple Configurator .

Note: Some payloads and settings configured with 3rd-party software are not displayed in Jamf Pro. Although you lot cannot view or edit these payloads, they are still practical to the deployment targets.

  1. Log in to Jamf Pro.

  2. Click Computers at the top of the page.

  3. Click Configuration Profiles.

  4. Click Upload and upload the configuration contour (.mobileconfig).

  5. Utilise the General payload to modify or configure basic settings for the profile, including a distribution method.

  6. Use the rest of the payloads to configure or edit settings as needed.

  7. Click the Scope tab and configure the scope of the profile.

  8. (Optional) If you chose to distribute the profile in Cocky Service, click the Self Service tab to configure Self Service settings for the profile.

  9. Click Save images/download/thumbnails/81531754/floppy-disk.png .

Downloading a Configuration Profile

If yous desire to view the contents of a configuration profile for troubleshooting purposes, y'all can download the contour (.mobileconfig) from Jamf Pro.

  1. Log in to Jamf Pro.

  2. Click Computers at the tiptop of the page.

  3. Click Configuration Profiles.

  4. Click the configuration profile you desire to download.

  5. Click Download images/download/thumbnails/80748286/download-1.png .

The profile downloads immediately.

Viewing the Condition of a Configuration Contour

For each configuration profile, you lot can view the number of the deployment targets with a status of Complete, Remaining, or Failed for the profile installation.

Note: Depending on your organization configuration, status data may not exist available for profiles installed using Jamf Pro 9.63 or before.

  1. Log in to Jamf Pro.

  2. Click Computers at the acme of the folio.

  3. Click Configuration Profiles.
    A list of configuration profiles is displayed.
    For each profile, you can view the number of the deployment targets for which the profile installation has a Completed, Remaining, or Failed status.

    Note: If a computer becomes unmanaged afterward a profile is successfully distributed to it, the profile will go on to be displayed in the Completed column.

  4. To view a list of deployment targets with a status of Complete, Remaining, or Failed for the contour installation, click the number displayed in the corresponding column. Then click Back images/download/thumbnails/80748248/DONE_cropped.png in the top-left corner of the pane.

  5. To view logs for a configuration contour, click View in the corresponding row. For a unlike date range, specify the starting and ending dates using the Date Range popular-upward calendars.

  6. Click Dorsum images/download/thumbnails/80748248/DONE_cropped.png in the meridian-left corner of the pane.

Troubleshooting a Failed Status of a Configuration Profile

If a profile fails to install on a compatible reckoner, Jamf Pro will automatically retry the deployment every six hours. To manually forcefulness the attempt, employ the "Send blank push button" direction control. To access this feature, navigate to the Management tab in the inventory of a reckoner and click Direction Commands.

If a contour fails to install on an incompatible computer (e.grand., when the profile includes settings that crave User Approved MDM), the computer must first meet the profile requirements for the retry try to happen.


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