
By clicking Yes on the Update you immediately concord to whatever changes made to the EULA which tin be plant Here
By clicking Aye on the Update you immediately agree to any changes made to the Privacy Policy which tin be found Hither

Version i.0.ii.19

  • Nosotros have joined the streamlabs family. Read more about it Hither
  • The bot will be called Streamlabs Chatbot from this indicate onwards 🙂
  • Exporting Local Currency to the Streamlabs Extension will now likewise export hours
  • Viewercount has been moved to the tiptop correct adjacent to the offline label which turns to Alive when yous're streaming. The viewercount can be enabled by going to Settings -> General and checking Show Viewercount
  • Added a Setup Wizard to assist you prepare upwards basic things such every bit your Bot, Streamer, Streamlabs, Gamewisp and Spotify Integrations. This will automatically show up for new users. If you desire to check it out click on the ? in the top right and Starting time the Setup Magician.
  • Added quick toggle switch to Enable Extension integration by clicking on the minor push button located in the Currency Tab header
  • Added an extra popup when exporting local currency to the extension so a user can immediately activate the extension within the bot after the export has completed
  • Added alert explaining the disabling of local currency payouts when using the extension
  • Corrupted database files will be automatically recycled
  • Macro buttons now stretch accross the console
  • While using the Extension the bot will update the regulars listing every 60 minutes.
  • Join & Speak events have been fused in to a unmarried tab called Events
  • The bot will cheque for updates every 30 minutes and if one is available the update arrow in the titlebar will light up with the windows' accent color
  • Upgraded CefSharp from 47 to 57 so Captcha's should work properly
  • When clicking Generate Token in any of the connections a popup will appear assuasive you to login to the specified service instead of opening your local browser
  • Media bar volume slider volition at present show y'all the volume while sliding
  • Media bar Volume button will let you to mute / unmute Youtube videos. This does non apply to spotify due to a limitation
  • Added a popup informing you of an outdated Streamlabs Token when y'all are trying to use the Extension and your token was generated prior to version 1.0.ii.17 and so you know you demand to generate a new one
  • Enabled High DPI Support for CefSharp for Windows 7 or newer
  • Disabled Local currency payouts when using Streamlabs Extension Currency in order to forestall double payouts
  • Fixed Tab Item drag & drop behaviour
  • Stock-still Twitch's /Raid logging so it really shows the persons' name in the event log
  • Fixed Cheer notifications
  • Fixed $randuser
  • Fixed the viewercount
  • Stock-still consequence with missing tooltips for the primary windows' titlebar
  • Fixed a bug in regards to /me posts being purged when Caps Protection was fix to 5 caps
  • Fixed a bug in regards to the bot window randomly poofing

Version ane.0.2.18

  • Nosotros take joined the streamlabs family. Read more about information technology HERE
  • The bot will be chosen Streamlabs Chatbot from this betoken onwards 🙂
  • Stock-still OBS Remote auto connecting on startup
  • Fixed Style Item Top properly loading after restart
  • Fixed Scripts Log View back arrow
  • Fixed !linkdiscord process
  • Fixed Scripts loading using the new naming convention
  • Removed mentions of Premium from the documentation
  • Removed Trial tags from OBS Remote & Scripts
  • Corrected Math of Streamlabs' TimeWatched
  • Fixed Chat Scale default value
  • Fixed Text on Buttons in Notifications tab
  • Fixed Back Arrow in Timer Settings

Version one.0.two.17

  • We have joined the streamlabs family. Read more nigh it HERE
  • The bot will be called Streamlabs Chatbot from this indicate onwards 🙂
  • Added ability to create more one custom way
  • Overhauled style settings to let for more than customization
  • Changed font from Open Sans to Roboto for UI
  • Added Streamlabs Loyalty integration
  • Added Sub Gift Notification message
  • Added automatically tracking raids coming through Twitch'south Raid feature
  • volition now have to be
  • Bot's local socket client runs on now
  • Installer at present ships with C++ 2013 Redistributables that get installed automatically
  • Fixed odd behaviour in 60 minutes tracking
  • Fixed Deepbot Quotes importer
  • Fixed Display of links containing @

Version one.0.2.16

NEW FEATURES: Full general
  • Split Team Id & Participant ID for Extra Life
  • Squad Id will allow you lot to use $extralifeteamgoal and $extralifeteamamount parameters and will generate a .txt file called ExtraLife_Team.txt
  • Fixed AddPointsAll (Python Scripting)
  • Fixed RemovePointsAll (Python Scripting)

Version 1.0.2.xv

  • Added Responses for StreamLabs & AnkhBot Audio mute Hotkeys
  • Added Extra Life to Connections
  • Added Chat Notifications for Extra Life Donations
  • Added Currency Reward for Actress Life Donations
  • Added ExtraLife.txt file containing Electric current Amount / Goal Corporeality
  • Added ExtraLife_Donators.txt file containing this sessions donators
  • Added ExtraLife_Recent_Donator.txt file containing the last donator
  • Added $extralifegoal and $extralifeamount parameters
  • Added a fallback for when your selected audio device is non connected
  • Added Dr AngryBot Currency Csv Importer
Issues FIXES
  • Stock-still SE Importer
  • Fixed Other Quote Importer
  • Fixed poll voting with cost of 0
  • Fixed AnkhBot dissapearing from Volume Mixer
  • Fixed $givepoints
  • Fixed !betting winner
  • Fixed fixed some typos

Version ane.0.2.fourteen

  • Modest Optimizations to Currency Arrangement
  • Added Hotkey to mute AnkhBot entirely when doing a Raid Response & in a Cutscene
  • Added Hotkey for certain Streamlabs Alert Actions such as Muting Alerts, Skipping them, Pausing the Alert Queue when in a Cutscene, Rolling Credits and Elimination Jar. (PS: You demand to generate a new token for these)
  • Removed requirement of manditory modifier keys for Hotkeys. Now y'all can utilise any cardinal and Hotkeys volition piece of work unless you lot're typing in an AnkhBot input field then Hotkeys will not trigger.
  • Bot will now e'er reply fifty-fifty if the user doesn't be in the Currency Database however.
  • Stock-still use of UtcNow across AnkhBot to make cooldowns timezone independant and non bug out when it's daylight savings
  • Added fallback for MediaFoundation Reader in case that's not available on OS
  • Added force_verify=true to Oauth Generation links for Twitch so you always go the Authorize Prompt and have the chance to alter accounts
  • Added CodePage Fallback when Windows does not return a valid OemCodePage for .abb & .zip file extraction


  • Changed Backup creation, AnkhBot exports .abb (AnkhBot Backup) files now that can be imported much easier just Connections -> Cloud -> Import Fill-in
Issues FIXES
  • Using DateTime.UtcNow instead of DateTime.At present to prevent commands from working when Daylight savings kicks in
  • Fixed a modest bug with the viewerlist updating if no 1 was in chat prior to connecting
  • Fixed a DNS bug in regards to High german ISPs
  • Stock-still betting in Discord
  • Fixed link Displaying in chat when they were using %3F or other forms of url encoding
  • Fixed Spotify Generate Token push not working
  • Fixed a problems with Discord Disconnect not working
  • Deepbot Importer imports anyone above 30 points instead of 30 minutes
  • Fixed minor bug with Script Importing
  • Fixed minor issues with Games Importing

Version 1.0.ii.12

  • Added Command Exporting
  • Added Control Grouping Exporting
  • Added Command & Command Group Importing
  • Added Community Games Importing under ?
  • Added Script Importing from .Zip files
  • Disabled Multi Select in data views
  • Fixed Other Importer Progress Bar


  • Threading Optimizations
  • Optimized Dashboard Refresh
  • Optimized Dashboard Update
  • Optimized Dashboard games Dropdown
  • Optimized Subscribers Tab data Retrieval
  • DeepBot Importer Added
  • PhantomBot Importer Added
  • StreamElements Importer Added
  • Moved Importing of Points / Quotes from other services to the Other Tab of Importer
  • External Bot Importer can be plant underneath the ? (Questionmark) in the top right of the bot
  • Currency CSV Exporter added under Connections -> Cloud

Version 1.0.2.x

  • If y'all are using Webroot so the chance is quite loftier that it will randomly shut down your AnkhBot. This is not a crash it's Webroot but closing down the bot. It is acquired by a W32.Hax false positive.
  • Fixed Hard Crash
  • Fixed Sub Count , Sub Points and Tiers for Twitch Subscribers
  • Fixed loading of gamewisp subscribers
  • Fixed WaveOut Audio Engine
  • Added Collapsing Columns for when Dataviews reach a too pocket-sized size
  • Added Right view resizing
  • Revamped Consequence Log in the Right View

Version 1.0.ii.9

  • $uptime parameter has been fixed 😉

Version 1.0.2.eight

  • Increased Twitch API Call Performance
  • Increased Streamlabs API Call Performance
  • Fixed Kid Window Centering on Unlike DPI Scaled Monitors
  • Fixed Queue Documentation
  • Right Menu: You can select multiple things to prove and customize it
  • Increased Conversation Scale Maximum to 400%

Version ane.0.2.vii

  • Fixed Bug where Discord Users weren't recognized as active users
  • Fixed a pocket-size issues in regards to Emote Parsing
  • Added Selection: Media Bar to Console Tab
  • Added Option: Song Queue & Playlist to Console Tab
  • Added Option: Queue to Panel Tab
  • Added Option: EventLog to Console Tab
  • Added Search Bar for Playlist in the Songrequest Tab
  • Added Emote Carte du jour to Panel Tab
  • Revamped Context Menus to fit with the UI
  • Added a Warning when attempting to connect the bot to it's on channel instead of the streams

Version 1.0.two.6

  • Fixed a bug which prevented the bot from launching due to the lack of a default sound device
  • Fixed Open up Script Folder under the Question Mark icon
  • Fixed a bug which caused the UI to be cut off if you were using Windows Font/Program Upscaling by a 100%
  • Stock-still an issue with the window mode non displaying properly for the update window
  • Added Drag & Drop to Settings, Usage and Localization
  • Added back up for Discord Categories so commands will role once more
  • Added an option to selection your Audio Engine, Either Wasapi or WaveOut

Version 1.0.ii.5

  • Improved Security
  • Fixed Boss Battle Usage
  • Fixed Minor issue when clicking on the Titlebar
NEW FEATURES: Full general
  • Swapped from DirectSound to Wasapi for amend Audio
  • Unplugging Sound Device sets value to [Device Non Continued] and will apply the default device until the disconnected device is reconnected
  • Implemented Drag & Drop Functionality for the Tabs on the left side of the main view
  • Implemented Window Location & Size Saving
  • GameWisp Tab has become the Subscribers Tab which will brandish Twitch & GameWisp Subscribers
  • Added Double click functionality to the Titlebar which will fullscreen the window

Version 1.0.2.four

  • Fixed Spotify Integration for Spotify Version i.0.62 (Spotify changed the Port that the client was running on)
  • Tweaked Duel Minigame probability to be more fair
  • Added an Automatic Fill-in prior to updating through the built in Updater


Problems FIXES
  • Fixed Importing of Backups through the Cloud Connections Window


  • Improved Database Query Operation
  • Templates folder no longer gets shipped with the bot
  • All Database files will be dynamically generated to forestall problems with copying files from the Template folder to the Twitch Folder
  • Improved Http Asking performance past reusing the HttpClient instead of recreating one for each request
Problems FIXES
  • Fused Heist & Arena under Minigames for Usage
  • Fixed an effect with Rank Assignment for Subscribers
  • Fixed Typo in Usage -> Misc -> !permit
  • Fixed bug with Discord Disconnect not working
  • Fixed missing T in announcement aqueduct textbox
  • Fixed Scripts Tab -> Selection Binder in the Documentation
  • Stock-still !sub add together in the documentation
  • Fixed missing T in the Error Window popup in Deject Connections
  • Fixed missing T Betting documentation
  • Fixed diverse spacing issues in regards to control input boxes
  • Fixed Conversation Scale being Loaded
  • Fixed the social club of execution in Songrequest
  • Local AnkhBot Server for Overlays will permit outside connections from a Two PC Setup
  • Song Queue will no longer vanish if there are songs queued and songrequest is disabled. One time the queue empties out it volition hide itself properly.
  • Stock-still Info tooltip in Add/Edit Rank view
  • Added PlaySound(string fileName, bladder volume) to the Parent to play Audio
  • Dropped Windows Media Player and replaced information technology with NAudio
  • Added the Ability to pick an Sound Device for SFX nether Settings -> Full general (Songrequest is not possible due to CefSharp Library that is used for the Player/Browser Embed)
  • Added Raid Aid under the Dashboard: Reward your viewers for going on a raid with y'all!
  • Added Extra bulletin options under Commands -> Settings (Cogwheel)
  • Added Enter key support for Poll & Betting to add options quicker

Version 1.0.two.ane

Issues FIXES
  • Fixed Remove All in the Timers Tab
  • Fixed Mod Max Songs Tooltip
  • Stock-still SFX Group Dropdown Carte
  • Fixed use of [GAME] tag for SFX
  • Stock-still Info Field loading in SFX Tab
  • Fixed Commands Tab UserCooldown Loading
  • Stock-still On Speak/Bring together events using Upper case
  • Fixed Script Tab display when running two instances of the bot
  • Fixed Script Tab display when running ii instances of the bot
  • Stock-still Songrequest when requesting a vocal with one 11 character word
  • Fixed OBS Source Return OBS Function
  • Json and Js files will now be saved with UTF8 encoding: In order to load these you need to import codecs and utilize, encoding='utf-8-sig')
  • Added an Unload() optional function that will trigger when a script is unloaded, reloaded or when the bot gets closed
  • Added a ScriptToggled(state) outcome that gets triggered when your script is enabled/disabled through the UI
  • Added a Enable/Disable button to each script
  • Added use_cost to the Giveaway Commencement outcome
  • For SFX yous can now too just insert a Folder instead of a specific SFX. The bot will so randomly play one of the SFX within of the binder
  • Added a new Hotkey to Blacklist & Skip a song that is playing



Updating to this version is a one manner street. We have decided to Encrypt our .Bin files and Databases to forbid tampering, with this we are besides dropping whatever support for Third Party Extensions that made use of AnkhBot's databases. If y'all are non sure most updating yous can always create a backup, never hurts 😉

In gild to brand use of your Premium Features Trial period you demand to do the following:

  • A streamer account needs to be connected to AnkhBot
  • The bot needs to exist connected to the Streamer account's Twitch Channel

Nosotros will give a heads up on our Twitter @AnkhBot one week before the Trial menses ends. There are still things that need to be done earlier our Premium Subscription launches the Toll and specific details will be disclosed at a later point in time.

PS: Some of the overlay scripts such as for Poll, Betting and Giveaway are not a 100% stable yet. They'll be fixed in the next coming days 😉

  • Improved performance in regards to API Calls
  • Improved performance in regards to Database Queries
  • Improved performance in regards to Currency Payout
  • Added the ability to create Python Scripts following our specified template
  • Added the ability to create Bones UI Elements in guild to change settings of Python Scripts inside of AnkhBot
  • Added Python Script Error Logging
  • Added Residue API Phone call functionality to the Parent Object
  • Added a built in Cooldown Manager to the Parent Object
  • Added string GetParam(int id) to parse parameters from the Information Object
  • Added a simple way to parse parameters from the Data Object
  • Added admission to the currency database though the Parent Object
  • Added ability to check permissions to the Parent Object
  • Added ability to transport messages to Twitch & Discord to the Parent Object
  • Added access to the Viewerlist & Active Users
  • Added access to the Stream State (Alive/Offline)
  • Added access to bank check the GameWisp Sub Tier of an user
  • Added admission to Channel Proper name, Currency Name, Random Number generator
  • Added the ability to send Websocket Events to continued BrowserSources to create interactive experiences through the Parent Object
  • Added the power to interact with OBS Remote through Parent Object functions
  • Added the ability to create custom $parameters through Python Scripting
  • Added Demo Scripts within of the Demos Folder in the AnkhBot Install Directory
  • Added Local Websocket Server: Browsersources (HTML/Javascript) can connect and listen for events sent by either Python Scripts or AnkhBot itself to create interactive experiences, custom alerts and overlays.
  • Added congenital in Websocket Event for Twitch Subscriptions
  • Added built in Websocket Event for GameWisp Subscriptions
  • Added built in Websocket Consequence for Follows
  • Added built in Websocket Event for Hosts
  • Added built in Websocket Event for Streamlabs Donations
  • Added congenital in Websocket Effect for Polls
  • Added built in Websocket Upshot for Betting
  • Added built in Websocket Event for Giveaway
  • Added congenital in Websocket Event for Counter
  • Increased the Font size of Input Fields
  • Increased the Font size of DataViews
  • Increased the Font size of Tooltips
  • Added a Slider to the Style Tab in the Settings Window to upscale the Chat up to 200%
  • Added Groups to the Commands, SFX and Timers Tabs
  • Added Special [GAME] Tag for Groups: This will only crusade Commands, SFX & Timers to Work when you lot are playing the game that follows the [GAME] tag for example: [GAME] Fortnite
  • Revamped the Dashboard
  • Revamped the Commands Tab
  • Revamped the Timers Tab
  • Revamped the Quotes Tab
  • Revamped the Actress Quotes Tab
  • Revamped the Counter Tab
  • Revamped the Giveaway Tab
  • Revamped the SFX Tab
  • Revamped the Currency Tab
  • Hourly Currency Gain gets calculated in the Currency Tab Settings
  • Revamped the Poll Tab
  • Revamped the Betting Tab
  • Added the Minigames Tab: Combination of Heist, Duel, Costless for All & Boss Battles
  • Added & Revamped the Bring together Events Tab
  • Added & Revamped the Speak Events Tab
  • Revamped the Songrequest Tab
  • Revamped the Queue Tab
  • Revamped the Notifications Tab
  • Revamped the Mod Tools Tab
  • Revamped the GameWisp Tab
  • Revamped the Discord Tab
  • Added the Scripts Tab: This is where you lot will be able to run across any Loaded Scripts & Errors
  • Added OBS Remote Tab to Connections Window
  • Revamped the General Tab in the Settings Window
  • Revamped the Localization Tab in the Settings Window
  • Revamped the Usage Tab in the Settings Window
  • Revamped the Macros Tab in the Settings Window
  • Revamped the Hotkeys Tab in the Settings Window
  • Revamped the Style Tab in the Settings Window
  • Added the power to prepare 3 Communities inside of AnkhBot
  • Clearing Sessions clears Speak Events & Join Events then they tin can be triggered once again
  • Storing Subs Locally in the TwitchSubDB.sqlite for Affiliates & Partners
  • Added the ability to ignore VODCasts when using Machine Hosting
  • Giveaway Ticket purchasing is at present incremental Ex: You lot take 2 tickets and you want to take 5 you would do !raffle three instead of !raffle 5 which was previously the case
  • AnkhBot Progress bar is now 100% in sync with the actual connection procedure to Twitch, GameWisp, etc…
  • Tab completing for emotes and tab completing for names using @
  • Up & Down Pointer functionality to become through previously sent chat letters
  • Unlocked Conversation Sub Notifications for Affiliates
  • Added Open up Script Folder & Open Install Directory to the ? in the top correct of AnkhBot
  • Added built in Dominate Calculation to determine if a boss is fair: Calculation bases itself off of the Viewer Stats only
  • Added Auto Function for Discord
  • Fixed Scrollbar position issues
  • Fixed displaying of Affiliate Sub Badges in the Console (Chat)
  • Fixed Spacing in the Connections Window
  • Fixed apply of the Currency Command in Discord
  • Fixed Agile User Payout
  • Fixed Attack stats cap for the Dominate Battle
  • Fixed Raider Reset problems when editing currency through the UI
  • Added !queue open, !queue close and !queue clear to the documentation
  • Added !volume to the documentation
  • Added !reg add/remove to the documentation
  • Added !sub add together/remove to the documentation
  • Added $viewers to the documentation
  • Updated the Documentation for Premium Features
  • Databases have been Encrypted to prevent tampering
  • Bin files accept been Encrypted to prevent tampering

Version i.0.ane.32

Issues FIXES
  • Fixed Cheer Notifications

Version ane.0.1.31

  • Added TLS1 back up for Vista Systems
  • Added back up for Mod Logs so you tin come across who has done the purge/ban (Only bachelor when Streamer Business relationship is continued)
  • Fixed Bot Mod Badge of a sudden vanishing
  • Stock-still Purge messages hover effect


  • Added Purge / Ban Letters in Console
  • Added Transparancy for Purged messages
  • Added Hover effect to Purged messages which will display them with total opacity (Only works when using Split Chat)
  • Added Standard Congenital in Revlo Currency Import functionality nether ? -> Import Revlo Points
  • Fixed minor issues with $randnum
  • Fixed an event with the the Window freezing sometimes
  • Stock-still oauth:-part of token missing error


  • Optimized data storage and memory usage
  • Optimized Chat Message Parsing
  • Added $gwsubcount parameter: Shows your GameWisp Sub Count
  • Added $math[Role] parameter: This will allow you to perform math calculations inside of AnkhBot
  • Added Songrequest option for Both !sr and !songrequest under Settings (Cogwheel) -> Localization -> Songrequest
  • Added Standard Built in Revlo Currency Import functionality nether ? -> Import Revlo Points
Problems FIXES
  • Stock-still displaying of URLs within of AnkhBot
  • Fixed an issue with the the Window freezing sometimes


  • Fixed a bug in regards to Rank Assignment: Bot was confusing Modernistic / Subscriber ranks

Version ane.0.i.27

Issues FIXES
  • Fixed a memory leak located in the On Speak and On Join Event Systems
  • Stock-still retentiveness usage across the board


  • Issues appeared in the currency organization that would set up the User's Currency to 0… Update IMMEDIATELY!


  • Increased the performance of the Currency Payout by 6000% in streams with large amounts of viewers
  • Fixed usage of Á , Â , Ä , .. and other such messages in command names, ranks, …
  • Stock-still saving of the Info Field in the Heist Minigame

Version one.0.1.24

  • Fixed $randnum parameter
  • Removed Header from built in Changelog

Version ane.0.1.23

Issues FIXES
  • Stock-still an issue with Local Spotify Songs breaking the Playlist


  • When Spotify & Youtube are enabled information technology will prioritize Spotify for Search by Keywords. If it tin can't be plant on Spotify then it will attempt youtube Keyword search if it'south been set.
  • Stock-still Cheer Emotes in the Beginning & End of messages
  • Fixed Spotify Links, Users no longer get purged when Songrequest is on and they employ !sr or !songrequest with a spotify link
  • Fixed small Documentation Copy & Paste

Version i.0.1.21

  • Fixed Cheer emotes so cheer5 cheer10 also testify up properly instead of just cheer1 cheer100 cheer1000 etc…
  • Fixed Cheer SFX

Version 1.0.1.xx

  • Added Spotify for Songrequest: Small notation on this do non use Shuffle or Repeat on Spotify this will prevent the bot from, Also you lot take to take Spotify Running for it to piece of work! (PS: Read the Documentation for more info)
  • Added the Power for Twitch Affiliates to employ the in chat Cheer Notifications
  • Added SpotifySong.txt which is generated when Spotify is connected with the current song that is playing on Spotify specifically when Songrequest is not used
  • Added Twitch Cheer emotes in the AnkhBot Chat UI
Issues FIXES
  • Fixed $viewers for Host Notifications
  • Fixed $subcount: Y'all will need to generate a new oauth-token due to newly added oauth-token permission requirements
  • Stock-still Subscriber Notifications in regards to new Tiers
  • Stock-still UserCooldown display bulletin for commands
  • Transfered Twitch Token generation to


  • Added Global GameWisp Emotes
  • Added GameWisp Sub Emotes (note) In order for subs to use them they either demand BTTV (beta) or FFZ + FFZ Addon Pack. If they don't take either of those the Emotes will not announced in conversation when they use them.
  • Added $donationmsg parameter for Streamlabs Chat Notification
  • Dynamically Grabbing Flake, Sub Tier, Modern, … badges from Twitch'southward API
Issues FIXES
  • Fixed _'s in links on Discord


  • Search functionality added for Commands
  • Search functionality added for SFX
  • Added $donationmsg parameter for Streamlabs Chat Notification
  • Giveaway is now persistent and will non reset upon closing of the bot, this has to be done manually at present.
  • Stock-still Display of \'southward in Chat ii.0
  • Fixed _'southward in names on Discord


  • Disabled the Donate & Wishlist buttons for the remainder of this calendar month. More info tin be found HERE.


  • !transfer control at present combines old name'southward info with new name's info. That style if someone has gained points / hours using their name Twitch name they won't just be replaced the old will simply be added on top of it.
  • Added Create Split Excel Files button to salve each Tab of the Data.xlsx as a individual file. Quotes.xlsx, Commands.xlsx, SFX.xlsx,…
  • Added $mychannel parameter which volition be replaced by the name of the channel that the bot is connected to
  • Added popup bill of fare when clicking on someone's name in the Chat (Includes actress tools)
  • Fixed tooltips for Conversation Settings
  • Fixed Hibernate Bot Messages
  • Fixed GameWisp Refresh Database bug when someone didn't have a Twitch business relationship connected to their gamewisp
  • Highlight Transparency stock-still
  • Only calculation one Resub Notification for GameWisp to the Session even when multiple are received from GameWisp
  • Fixed a small consequence with .xlsx files with column width 255 not saving properly
  • Fixed pocket-size bug with $countdown starting to count upwards once the fourth dimension has passed

Version i.0.1.15

BOSS Cosmos ASSIST ii.0 By Dexarnael
  • If yous are having troubles balancing bosses you lot tin can use THIS(Become to File -> Make a Copy). Improved past Dexarnael
  • Added Conversation 2.0 which allows usage of Twitch, Bttv and FrankerFaceZ Global & Aqueduct Emotes!
  • Added Conversation Settings nether Settings (Cogwheel) -> General -> Chat Settings
  • Added Right Click menu for the Viewerlist
  • Replaced Support Window text by panels so users can see that there is a discord (read pls 🙁 )
  • Stock-still apply of $nxtrank and $nxtrankreq when a user had a custom rank
  • Fixed heist $results not posting
  • Fixed GameWisp Indistinguishable Subbing crashing Refresh of the Database
  • Fixed small Copy paste display problems with Arena i V one and FFA On/Off Cooldown characterization
  • Fixed Discord Reconnecting set to x second delay to prevent 1000 reconnects in a short corporeality of fourth dimension / Token Reset / email from Discord
  • Fixed Bot will non properly distinguish Voice & Text chats and no longer try posting to a Voice chat instead of Text conversation

Version 1.0.i.14

Boss Cosmos Help
  • If you are having troubles balancing bosses y'all tin can use THIS(Go to File -> Make a Re-create). It is a simple Excel sheet where you tin adjust some values and meet how a possible boss fight would play out.
Issues FIXES
  • Stock-still !challenge refunding later on no one accepts
  • Stock-still a Minor usage consequence in regards to Boss Battles
  • Stock-still Dominate Boxing On/Off Cooldown letters
  • Stock-still Songrequest Tooltips for Max Song Duration / Max Queue Size

Version one.0.ane.13

  • Only saving the top yard users in the Data.xlsx file due to memory bug for people
  • Fixed minor problems with a user beingness able to challenge themselves
  • Added actress tooltips for the Loonshit Minigame explaining stat caps
  • Stock-still a smal bug with entries non clearing after the !ffa has been aborted due to lack of people

Version one.0.1.12

  • Pocket-size Usage ready for Loonshit

Version 1.0.ane.11

  • Added Arena 1 5 1: Read more than on this in the Documentation
  • Added Arena Free For All: Read more than on this in the Documentation
  • Usage Arena Boss Boxing with custom boses: Read more on this in the Documentation
  • Added !points add together +active 100: This volition allow you to give points to everyone that has been active in the past 15 minutes
  • Added an option to modify your Customs through the Dashboard on the bot
  • Fixed Quote Editing past a 100 through the UI
  • Stock-still a bug with the bot attempting to fourth dimension out mods
  • Fixed $checkcount parameter so it properly accepts $target now
  • Fixed the Testify Viewercount in Console Tooltip

Version ane.0.i.x

  • Added FullScreen Functionality
  • Added Scaling past 1280×900
  • Usage Column for Timers to determine whether they should be used in Twitch Chat, Discord or Both
  • Added option for Timers to be posted in Discord (Discord Tab in Main UI)
  • Denote when the channel goes Live on Discord for you lot
  • Swapped over the api instead of since they finally moved information technology over fully now


Issues FIXES
  • Fixed Streamlabs bug of i Euro becoming 10 million points
  • Fixed Viewerlist clearing: If Bot or Streamer are connected and in that location are 0 chatters then the new viewerlist from Twitch will exist ignored due to being invalid


  • Stock-still a modest problem with the Streamlabs Token becoming invalid later on sixty minutes

Version i.0.1.7

  • Redid Bureaucracy and then Mods are no longer omnipotent. That way they yet get the benefits of being a Sub, GameWisp Sub, Regular, etc… Neither tin can they apply any commands that crave a Min_Points or Min_Hours if they do non have those. Only Editors and the Streamer are Omnipotent now.
  • Added Streamlabs Integration: Payouts for Donations (Currency Tab) and in Chat Notifications (Notifications Tab) found in their appropriate categories
  • Updated the Documentation for Streamlabs Integration
  • Added extra Right click options for Commands Tab
  • Added extra Right click options for Timers Tab
  • Added actress Correct click options for SFX Tab
  • Streamer is no longer affected by Control cooldowns in their own stream.
  • Fixed GameWisp Starting time time Sub Payout
  • Fixed $uptime calculation
  • Fixed requesting of Youtube Listreams using Songrequest


Problems FIXES
  • Fixed some branding issues on the bot


  • Mod Option incase streamer business relationship is non available or the bot is being hosted by a Mod Settings (Cogwheel) -> General -> Nuts -> I AM A MOD HOSTING THE BOT FOR THE STREAMER
  • Command Edit Response fixed
  • Fixed minor typos in the Documentation
  • Fixed Heist cooldown bulletin so it also posts in Discord if setup for it
  • Command Cooldown messages re-added to documentation (were missing)
  • Fixed Actress Quote like System Adding
  • Fixed Crash issue on Whispers
  • Fixed Data.xlsx file, Commands Tab now shows the response
  • Stock-still Raiders command permission
  • Increased $readapi limit to 500 characters for the response
  • Cheer payout options / Payout has been removed due it being a violation of Twitch ToS, You have our sincerest apologies for this!

Version 1.0.1.four

  • Added CLEAR SESSION ON START Upward selection under Settings (Cogwheel) -> General -> Basics : This volition automatically clear the Dashboard Session (Follows, Hosts, Raids when the bot starts upward in case you're forgetful and are wondering why of a sudden you are no longer getting Host or Raid notifications when they're coming from the same person who hosted during the concluding stream)
  • Rank Assignment fixed for Subscribers / GameWisp Subscribers
  • GameWisp Subs using Currency Command Fixed
  • Fixed Capture manner for OBS: OBS has issues capturing windows that use transparency for this is now a new option to enable OBS Friendly mode under Settings (Cogwheel) -> General -> Nuts -> ENABLE OBS CAPTURE FRIENDLY MODE
  • Added Failsafe explaining that parameters are having issues in regards to Catastrophic Backtracking. Bot will no longer freeze when this happens.
  • Improved Stream State Detection, Streamer Business relationship has to be connected for this to work properly it will check based on the Streamer Business relationship that is connected.
  • Stock-still an Outcome where users would proceed getting assigned a random color when they didn't take one this caused full rainbow mode in chat.
  • Fixed a issues where adding a quote past 100 would ever overwrite quote 100
  • Fixed Quote & Extra Quote UI having almost an infinite scrollbar

Version one.0.i.iii

Issues FIXES
  • GameWisp Permissions Levels have been fixed
  • Payout has been stock-still
  • Assigning of Ranks has been stock-still
  • $nxtrank and $nxtrankreq take been fixed
  • Fixed freezing caused by $ovewritefile and $savetofile parameters
  • Fixed the $uptime parameter
  • Stock-still pieces of the documentation that showed incorrect information
  • Stock-still whispering of Cooldown in relation to Discord
  • Fixed consequence where the bot would attempt to send text letters to a vocalism channel instead of the text equivalent
  • Fixed whispering of Cooldown in relation to Discord
  • Implemented extra Message Boxes while performing Discord Setup to inform yous what is not correct
  • Fixed a problems with !transfer command not existence initialized properly for new users

Version i.0.i.2

  • Another patch for the GameWisp state of affairs, it should be resolved now hopefully. Thanks for helping me test ZeroExcuse & SilentLilac!

Version 1.0.i.1

  • GameWisp subs will no longer automatically be grabbed upon Connecting to GameWisp since there is in an issue with the API. Upon connecting to their 'app-channel-subscribers' later on Connecting is just floods the user with 500 random users. In order to combat this you have to manually grab your GameWispSubs for this at that place is a new tab called GameWisp on the Main UI that allows you to Refresh your Database past clicking Refresh.

Version 1.0.ane.0

  • Updated the Documentation to the new Version
  • Added Splash Screen prior to launching the bot
  • New UI
  • UI Style Customization under Settings (cogwheel)
  • New AnkhBot Logo
  • Improved Chat Readability
  • Moved over to V5 Twitch API
  • Updated the Updater to New UI
  • !tranfer from to control added to transfer points for people that changed their proper noun
  • Culling to Default Staff Greeting messages added under Settings / General (Cogwheel)
  • Whisper Config has been rebranded to Usage and it contains new options for Discord Usage / Twitch usage
  • Search Functionality & pagination for Quotes, Actress Quotes & Currency Database
  • Streamer no longer has cooldowns on SFX commands in their ain aqueduct
  • Added more parameter nesting to increase compatability between $parameters inside of one another
  • Added $newbalance(user) parameter that can but exist used within $givepoints, $addpoints or $removepoints and displays the remaining amount of points afterwards the transaction
  • Added Changelog to the Settings (cogwheel)
  • Added Community Intendance Meter that will display how much the customs cares about the continuation of AnkhBot this increases as users Tip or Gift AnkhHeart something
  • Payouts users for Auspicious
  • Cheer Notifications
  • Twitch Sub Notifications on Resub / Anniversary
  • Twitch Sub Notifications on Prime Sub
  • Cloud Backups replacing Google Sync
  • Auto Cloud Backups
  • Excel file creation that can exist shared using Google Bulldoze / Dropbox to brandish Songlist, Commands or Queue
  • Discord Integration: Bot tin can be connected to Discord if setup
  • Users are Required to DM the bot !linkdiscord to beginning the linking process between Discord & Twitch
  • Localization for !linkdiscord
  • GameWisp Integration
  • GameWisp Sub Notifications
  • GameWisp Payouts
  • GameWisp Subscriber Permissions Level
  • Added $months and $reward parameter for GameWisp Notification message
  • Macros Buttons added to Console: These can be configured through Settings (cogwheel) Macros
  • Global Hotkeys for Songrequest, Macros,Death Counter,…
  • Display names properly formatted in Chat
  • Stock-still Loading Issues in Regards to Songrequest
  • Casting all commands to lower case in case of Cyrillic Commands
  • ForceGive / ForceRemove fixed in regards to $removepoints and $givepoints parameters
  • Fixed $readapi freezing problems in Issue Organization
  • Give Away Winner name fixed for users that had _'s in their name
  • Optimized Currency Payout